How to write a review article? First of all, you should remember that it has to be a deep critical analysis of a certain literary work. If the article is scientific, do not forget to include important data. In an article review, an author can evaluate and make the analysis of the work of others in order to clarify particular moments. Thus, they make another contribution to issue study.
Such review has to be made according to the rules of custom writings. It means that it requests clearly presented arguments and writing of high quality.
In a review article, you need to:
• Review the text
• Summarize it using instruments of:
• Comparison
• Classification
• Critique
• Present a clear conclusion
Remember to use research findings and ideas relevant to your topic. You also do not have to introduce any new ideas. Before starting your review, make an outline of the assignment. How to write an outline? Organize your thoughts while reading. Write down some important facts. Look for strong and weak points.
Types of Review
• Journal analyzes weak and strong points. It provides a reader with the values of the information analyzed.
• Research analyzes the method of research.
• Scientific review has to include more background information and analyzes scientific works.
Article Review Format
APA Style
• For a web article: Last name of an author with initials, date, and title of the article, the link to a web page you retrieved your article from.
• For a journal article: Last name of an author with initials, date of publication, and title of the article. Include title and volume of the periodical and pages.
• For a newspaper article: Last name of an author with initials, date of publication, and title of the article. Include the title of the magazine and pages.
MLA Style
• For a web article: Last name of an author with initials, ‘title of article’ and website. Publisher and date of website publishing together with the date of accession.
• For a newspaper article: Last and first name of the author with initial for a middle name, ‘title of article’ with a title of a newspaper, date of its publication, number of pages and print.
• For a journal article: Last and first name of the author with initial for a middle name, ‘title of article’ with journal title, data about volume, issue with year of publication, and pages. Also include the data on accession.
All words should be given starting with a capital letter. You should always ask your professor for the proper citation to be included in your work.
Article Structure
• Pre-title page. Include article type, title, authors with their affiliations.
• Author details(optional)
• In APA you have to use a running head (shortened title, less than 40 characters)
• Summary(optional, max 800 words)
1) background
2) explanation of reasons why the work was done
3) summary of results, explanation of methods
• Title: abstract 250 words long, with 4-6 keywords
• Introduction
• Include a summary of the article’s main points
• Underline facts and positive points
• Use critique of disparities in the text.
• Body (with headings and subheadings)
• References page
• Optional Suggested Readings
• Tables and Figures
What is next?
Make a summary by highlighting facts and findings with the author's conclusions.
Critique the article by giving its strong and weak points. Give your own stance: do your support author’s assumptions or not?
Make a Conclusion by introducing key points of the review. Write about the importance of your results.
Remember to:
• Use evidence and direct quotations.
• Use proper rules of citation.
• Proofread.
Article Review Example
Article review is a type of a literature review. Its aim is to make different articles more understandable for the public, by providing their critique and analysis. I would recommend putting an article you have to review in your own words. Remember to include strong and weak points, also make your information relevant. First of all, summarize an article and make an outline for it. You have to decide what points you want to include. Don’t forget to include important data and quotations to make your arguments stronger. It will simplify your writing process. Another recommendation is to remember that you need a thesis statement even in this type of work. Include this in the first paragraph of your essay.
Get Professional Help
If you have no ideas on what to write, ask for some help. You can use an essay service, for example, EssayPro that will provide you with important help in writing, editing, and rewriting. We have highly qualified writers that write assignments professionally.
Hopefully, this information was useful to you. Do not forget to use it while writing your assignments.